SchoKI Circuit Optimization

SchoKI Circuit Optimization

SchoKI, the AI-driven circuit optimization service, boosts efficiency in electronic design processes for netlists and upcoming DC/DC inverters. It employs advanced algorithms to fine-tune circuit parameters, providing detailed analytical feedback to enhance design decision-making. Supported by Fraunhofer IISB's, Erlangen expertise, SchoKI delivers reliable, high-performance optimization solutions.


  • Netlist Optimization: SchoKI enhances the performance of circuit networks using AI-driven algorithms, ideal for developers looking to refine their circuit designs.
  • DC/DC Inverters: Coming soon, this service will focus on optimizing DC/DC voltage converters, which are crucial in power supply management.


  • Increased Efficiency: By automating and accelerating the design process, SchoKI allows for rapid iteration and improvement.
  • Precision Optimization: Leveraging complex algorithms, SchoKI identifies optimal parameter combinations, enhancing circuit performance.
  • Detailed Results and Feedback: Users receive comprehensive evaluations, graphical presentations of optimization results, and downloadable numerical data, which facilitate informed decision-making in design adjustments.
  • Expert Backing: Supported by the Fraunhofer Institute's IISB decades of research in semiconductor and power electronics, SchoKI offers reliability and cutting-edge technological insights.

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